Crowfall loses game designer Tully Ackland
Crowfall is losing a key game designer in the form of Tully Ackland, who told Twitter about his last day earlier this week. Emotional last day at @ArtCraftEnt today. This team is exceptionally...
View ArticleCelebrate Crowfall’s Kickstarter birthday by plastering its logo in the real...
A year ago, Crowfall ran its successful Kickstarter. Now that it’s been a year, the team behind the game wants to commemorate the event, and once again that commemoration involves asking the community...
View ArticleCheck out Crowfall’s latest world eyecandy
As Crowfall marches on in development, fans await anxiously on the sidelines for tasty tidbits of information to come their way. Yesterday, Artcraft lead environment artist Jon O’Neal tossed out some...
View ArticleCrowfall’s visuals are ‘stylized… with a little more grit’
Some of the criminally unsung heroes of MMOs are the artists who strive to sculpt and design the look of a game to fit the vision that the producers created. ArtCraft Lead Artist Dave Greco shared...
View ArticleCrowfall looks at the early version of the Ranger’s powers
The Ranger is not a ranged character in Crowfall, but she’s also not a melee character. She’s a hybrid between the two playstyles, able to swap between fighting with daggers or with a bow based on...
View ArticleThe MOP Up: Blade & Soul brings in the Warlock (March 6, 2016)
The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some of it gets backlogged. That’s why there’s The MOP Up: a...
View ArticleCrowfall is tweaking healing, dizzy states, and multiple archetypes
Hopefully you weren’t unduly attached to the number-crunched specifics of any of Crowfall’s planned archetypes because the in-development MMO is contemplating some minor changes. In the wake of the...
View ArticleCrowfall shows off the Ranger in action
The Ranger of Crowfall has been making the rounds lately as the resident orange-haired green-clad lady shooting arrows at targets. That part is… yeah, that’s a little generic. But there’s more to the...
View ArticleRaph Koster on Crowfall’s social gameplay and robber-baron badasses
This month’s Crowfall Q&A video is all about social systems, which means design consultant and MMO industry veteran Raph Koster is on camera to discuss how the PvP game will create a social...
View ArticleCrowfall preps ‘Siege Perilous’ castle siege testing for ‘later this month’
ArtCraft is previewing its next big pre-alpha rollout for Crowfall, codenamed Siege Perilous: the “first phase of testing for some of the initial features that will eventually become [the game’s]...
View ArticleCrowfall’s pre-alpha 1.3 update brings the Ranger into the Hunger Dome
The Crowfall team intends to put out the Siege Perilous update by the end of the month. That hasn’t changed. But some of the updates that were originally planned for that update are ready just a...
View ArticleMassively OP Podcast Episode 56: Ghillie nation
Justin and Bree discuss Black Desert, Marvel Heroes, The Division, VR, Landmark, Crowfall, EVE, and Tree of Savior, with mailbag questions on pay-to-win and Black Desert hype.This article was...
View ArticleCrowfall demos new full-screen character viewport and more UI tweaks
Crowfall UX design lead Billy Garretsen has a new State of the UI video out today in which he discusses the changes to the interface in recent weeks. Among the bigger additions is a full-screen...
View ArticleCrowfall shows off shaded Ranger armor designs and gameplay
The Ranger’s pre-Siege Perilous addition to Crowfall was unexpected, but her presence should make getting used to her mechanics in siege battles that much easier. Of course, as a sneaky sort, she’ll...
View ArticleCrowfall demos catapult gameplay from Siege Perilous test round
Crowfall Design Lead Thomas Blair has just revealed a brief new video walkthrough of the catapult, the first combat vehicle in the game and one of the perks of the Siege Perilous testing round. The...
View ArticleCrowfall’s healer/nuker Druid archetype isn’t a ‘firehose healer’
Crowfall devs confirmed today that they are indeed working on the Druid archetype. In fact, ArtCraft’s goal is to integrate the Druid into the Hunger Dome and Siege Perilous testing phases. “[The...
View ArticleLessons learned from Crowfall’s Siege Perilous test
Crowfall’s pre-alpha population is currently battling it out in Siege Perilous, a limited-scope test designed to try out the game’s new castle siege system. Two weeks in, ArtCraft delivered several...
View ArticleCrowfall Q&A talks about Eternal Kingdoms and next playable archetypes
The Crowfall community has no end of questions for the ArtCraft team, and ArtCraft has no end of time to answer them. Actually, today ArtCraft only has a little under eight minutes, but hey, that...
View ArticleCrowfall has kicked off external pre-alpha Siege Perilous testing
You don’t know if you like Crowfall yet. Sure, you may have taken part in the Hunger Dome testing, but we’re going to let you in on a secret: That wasn’t anything. That was just mechanics. No, it’s...
View ArticleCrowfall shares details on the upcoming Throne War test version
The current test module of Crowfall, Siege Perilous, is all about taking on a keep’s defenses and taking control. In theory, anyhow; in practice the point of the battle is, well, testing the battle....
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